Nature’s Wonderful Weeds

While dandelion is a weed it’s also a wonder herb. With its soft and mild herbal action you can detox your body and be equally effective in the management of various health related problems. This is a very safe and inexpensive herb known for its plethora of important vitamins and minerals.

A large number of essential vitamins and minerals are contained in this humble yet useful weed, such as vitamins A, C, K, Choline, B-complex, iron, silicon, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium, phosphorus and copper. Adding these leaves to a bountiful salad is an easy way to add valuable nutrition to your meal.

Some of the benefits of dandelion is that it can detox the liver in which case the liver then normalizes hormonal distress. Dandelion has some diuretic action without depleting vital potassium, which helps aid weight loss. In case the weight gain was caused by indigestion, then dandelion is a good addition. It helps in bowel movement with the ability of enhancing bile production from the gall bladder. This weed is a great help for people who find it tough to digest fat because of bile inadequacy.

If you have conditions such as allergies, inflammation of the gall bladder, intestinal blockage or obstruction in the bile duct, then dandelion to detox is not recommended. Otherwise, 250 to 500 mg three times each day with meals is the suggested dosage.

A check with your naturopathic or health professional is a good place to start with your gentle detox. Aren’t nature’s wonders good for anti-aging?

Have a fun and successful day,


Peaceful Co-existence With Body and Mind Slows Aging

What is the most effective way to retain one’s youth? The secret lies in feeling content with what you have. You can do this by either emotional or natural ways, or even by a combination of both. A more common option is to go for extensive beauty treatment or aesthetic operations which could possibly make the lines and the age-related fat disappear. There are other more fundamental ways to secure a feeling of contentment with one’s own self.

An easy way to feel content is to uplift the life force which lies inside, and begin to feel confident about yourself. You can do this by natural means of beautifying your body with manicures and pedicures, and even hair and face interventions. These ways of beautifying are just mainly the means of getting society to accept your looks before you accept them yourself.

But when you feel good about yourself both mentally and intellectually, the feeling of happiness which you get can never be replaced by ways like uplifting your looks, etc. The person who is spiritually fulfilled is one who is at peace with self, and that harmony asserts a stress-free environment and a carefree existence. Then you can take on life better with all its ups and downs in harmony with the natural aging process.

When you age peacefully you can do it with such grace that the process itself helps you stay young rather than like a person who is continuously fighting with aging as to live on edge all the time. Have you ever noticed how youngish a woman who does yoga looks, or how springy a sports minded person is? When you are friendly with your mind it will show, resulting in a more youthful outlook.

There are indeed some treatments which magically work on the head and body soothing and energizing them such as spa and acupressure interventions. Pent up emotions and stresses age some people faster than others, but it is certain that peaceful co-existence between the mind and body will do wonders for the anti-aging processes. Only then can you truly age slowly from the inside out.

Have a fun and successful day,



To love is to risk not being loved in return. To hope is to risk pain. To try is to risk failure, but risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing. – Author Unknown

You May Want To Pass on These Ingredients In Your Face Cream

In most women’s magazines you’ll encounter numerous ads for anti-aging face creams.  These so called products are often called “natural” or “allergy-tested”, but regulations give manufacturers a lot of leeway in what those terms mean.

It is a good idea to read the ingredient labels.  Some naturally occurring ingredients are beneficial, and not all man made ingredients are harmful.  A few of these common ingredients that can be harmful are:

Parabens:  These chemicals are used as a preservative to inhibit microbial growth in face creams.  Parabens are known endocrine disruptors and also cause skin irritation in sensitive individuals.  Better preservatives include vitamins A, C and E and grapefruit or grape seed extract.

Petroleum derivatives:  You’ll find these products listed as petrolatum, mineral oil and paraffin.  Petroleum products are used as a skin softener and moisturizer.  However, they interfere with the skin’s natural oils and can actually make dry skin worse over time.   Better moisturizers include a variety of natural oils including olive oil, sunflower seed oil, jojoba oil and beeswax.

Chemical sunscreens:  Oxybenzone and avobenzone are the most common chemical sunscreens.  They often cause skin irritation and disrupt hormonal balance.  The preferred natural sunscreens are titanium dioxide and zinc oxide.

Synthetic colors or fragrances:  Synthetic colors are often carcinogenic.  Avoid products showing FC&C or D&C followed by a number on the label.  Synthetic fragrances cause headaches and skin irritation.  Be aware that many products labeled “fragrance free” actually contain a neutralizing fragrance to mask the odor of the product.  Look for products labeled as containing only natural coloring agents and “no fragrance added”.

One other product you need to be wary of is propylene glycol.  As a natural product derived from vegetable glycerin, it makes an excellent moisturizer.  However, the chemically derived forms of propylene glycol, PEG and PPG, are known to cause allergic reactions, including hives and eczema.  If you see polyethylene glycol, polypropylene glycol, PEG or PPG on the label, it’s probably best to pass on that face cream.

Trying to avoid so many unhealthy chemicals in a vast number of products will pay many benefits to your wellness programs as well as slow the aging process.

Have a fun and productive day,



You have to set goals that are almost out of reach.  If you set a goal that is attainable without much work or thought, you are stuck with something below your true talent and potential.   Steve Garvey


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